Welcome. To email Susan Grey directly with questions, please send to [email protected] and add her email addresse into your address book to prevent her responses from going into your spam file. Also, please do look over her site as many of your questions will be answered there.
Susan Grey does charge for her healing services if you decide to have her do the healing work you’re requesting. She is willing to be paid over an agreed upon period of time and/or to negotiate a lesser fee when absolutely necessary. Please look at her page on services and fees where you can complete the form to request healing. You may also see about payment on her page, payment information.
In an emergency, you may also call Susan at 1-803-419-3823, preferably 9-6 p.m., M-F, Eastern time and leave a message if she is unavailable. In a dire emergency, you may call her a little later, or on the weekend. As she is often in session, please do leave her a message, including your email address, speaking slowly and clearly. And, please include your email address in a phone message to her.
You can make arrangements for a session to work with her on the phone, at your expense if international, or she can work with you on Skype, Face Time, Google Hangouts, Zoom or WhatsApp, all of which are free to use. She looks forward to being able to be of help to you.
Many Thanks and Blessings, Susan 🙂
Susan Grey ~ Distance Healer of people, pets, and places
[email protected]
Columbia, South Carolina, 29229 USA
Please include your email address with all payments to me, thanks!Please note: Healing is always healing; often and not always, curing. I never know what will be the final results of the healing work I do, and I have seen a lot of miracles. I always recommend people continue to use appropriate licensed medical practitioners, along with complementary healing.
What people are saying about Susan's healing
"Susan Grey offers fine-tuned precision work on the human body and energy system and groundbreaking, breathtaking space clearing where energetic walls and boundaries collapse to let in the light. One of the best healers in America today."
- A.M.C., Queens, NY