About the Distant Healing Process

Distance Healing Explained

Some people who contact Susan for long distance or distant healing have not had previous experience with a distant healer, and wonder how can that work? Everyone, and everything, is connected. Quantum physics and more recently String Theory in physics brings science and spirituality together in this regard. Please see A Healer’s Perspective on Distant Healing in the Distance Healing section below for a more thorough discussion. 

And click the links just below to learn a bit more about some of the healing work Susan does, which continues to evolve over time.

A Healer’s Perspective on Distant Healing

Everyone, and everything, is connected. Quantum physics, and more recently String Theory, brings science and spirituality together in this regard. Though I do some of my healing work in person, almost all of it is long distance healing. Thought is Energy, thoughts are things, and is often unconsciously playing out in one’s life. Our thoughts can be creative, or destructive. I easily help people to release the emotional charge that certain sentences,  phrases, names, etc., have carried for them, keeping them stuck in living that script. I also teach people how to consciously use their thoughts, their words, and their feelings in ways that are helpful to themselves and to others, creating a life of joy instead of struggle.Time is not linear; it is accessible to healing energies. I have worked with people and animals healing past life-time issues, and clearing out the effects of previous time-frames in this life. Once, when I was doing healing with someone for her birth-1 year old time frame, her jaw problem from infancy immediately disappeared. One can heal one’s past, and one’s present

I have been doing healing work with people and animals all over the world since 1998. Most of my clients can immediately feel the effects, which are sometimes subtle, often dramatic. Because it can be disorienting to makes changes, what we resist persists, we often need to help you integrate the healing at the end of a session. We may need only one session, and we may need to arrange more sessions to help you more fully heal and be able to move forward easily with greater health, joy and ease. We assess that need as we work together. Some of my clients can actually see angelic beings, swirling energies. Some people smell lovely fragrances as I am doing distant healing work with them or clearing their spaces. Your animals will definitely feel the distant healing work. Some people tell me they begin to feel the healing as soon as they commit to a session with me.


Sometimes, even “inanimate” objects have responded to the distant healing energies I have sent them… e.g. a water softener, a dryer, a microwave, a car engine, an elevator that had just stopped, etc. They just started working again. It helps to hear the messages we are getting from them. For example, if your car engine won’t start, are you having trouble getting started? If all your batteries are going at once, are you wearing yourself out, running on empty? You might want to read a book by Michael Lincoln called My Car, Myself that addresses this phenomenon.

Everything is connected, electromagnetically. We are all One.  When I am working with you, or clearing your spaces, I often feel tension in certain areas of my body and it releases. The person I am working with often is releasing tension in that same area. When we are doing healing work on the phone, or online, I often get immediate feedback from the person I am working with. The healing process may be complete immediately, or it may take a period of time to integrate. We will do an integration process at the end of a session to deal with any unconscious resistance to the healing process. When one has been carrying something for a long time, homeostasis would have it return to the familiarity of how things have been. It’s important to deal with that tendency to enable one to actually heal. There may be a need for more than one session. And occasionally there is a detoxification period in which case there may be a very short time when the condition briefly worsens and then releases. Please keep me informed after a session if there appears to be a worsening in your condition so that I can help the detox process be easier for you. Also please email me to let me know how you are doing over time. One’s most immediate response when we are done with a healing session is profound relaxation. Wherever you have held your tension, you will notice an easing up, a lightness of being.

There truly is no distance in my distance healing work. It is as if I were there or you here. I have done healing work with a multitude of people and animals, and clearing places all over the the world, the United States, Australia, Canada, Israel, England, India, Germany, France, Ireland, South Africa, China, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, and more. I look forward to working with YOU  to help you to move forward in your life with so much greater health, joy and ease!



Animal Healing

 I have been doing animal healing with dogs, cats, horses, birds, zoo animals, turtles, ferrets, iguanas, snakes, etc. since 1986, professionally since 1998. The healing often addresses both the animal’s physical dis-ease and any underlying mental/emotional/spiritual issues.  No matter what kind of animal companion you have, or animal friend who needs healing, the distant healing I do is usually very helpful to them.  If by the time  you contact me, they are already ready to transition, it is unlikely I will be able to cure them; I will be able to help them and you to feel better, to ease the transition process for them and for you.

I  am a natural born animal healer. You’ll find your animal companions very receptive to the healing work I do. Animals usually get very relaxed when they receive my distant healing work. The healing will work with your animal companion over a period of time. You may notice immediate changes, and you may also notice more gradual ones. Occasionally there may be a short period of detoxification when their symptoms briefly worsen and then release. Sometimes animals may also be adversely affected by the energies of your home or land, and Space Clearing may also be needed. When I clear your homes, or if I am working with your healing, often your animals will come into the room to participate. Some of my clients tell me their animals start smiling. You will definitely notice them noticing something going on, and enjoying it. If your animal companion is missing, when I clear the areas of your home and/or yard that need clearing, they often return soon after. If by the time  you contact me, they are already ready to transition, it is unlikely I will be able to cure them; I will be able to help them and you to feel better, to ease the transition process for them and for you. Please see Animal Healing and Testimonials pages for more information.

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EFT Emotrance Sound Healing

I have been doing EFT since it was first designed by Gary Craig, and which has evolved dramatically over the years. I initially inundated myself with the materials for 3 weeks and proceeded to use it all the time. My evolved version of it has been a mainstay of my healing work. Emotrance work,  wherein I learned how to energetically release my own and others’ often unconscious blocks joined my work in 2007. And, it too has evolved dramatically. Also in 2007, after I was done with healing sessions for a person who happened to be a Sound Healer, she offered me a gift of her Sound Healing; it was quite lovely. As soon as I hung up I knew I too was to be doing Sound Healing, and that it would not be so pretty. When I am doing Sound Healing with someone, people have told me it feels to them as if I am releasing for them thoughts and feelings they may have been carrying for years, possibly forever, and did not even know they had.  It usually  starts out not so pretty  ( as anger, rage, angst, intense grief, etc. would be not so pretty ) and gets prettier. I do not choose the sounds which comes through my vocal cords; I allow them. My Sound Healing is specific to each individual’s circumstances. Because I am an empath and also feel free to express and release any and all emotions, people are often amazed that what they are hearing when I do this work is the feelings they have felt bottled up inside. And, they’re gone!  Sometimes the sound is actually silent (which has become better for my vocal cords; yet the person can still feel the release through the vibrations of it, and, if they are watching me, can see the feelings being expressed and released. If it bothers them to watch, I ask them to close their eyes so they can better experience it.They immediately feel much lighter and their bodies feel much more at ease.

I combine my Sound Healing with my own version of combined Emotional Freedom Technique work/EmoTrance work, which has evolved over a long time. People find this work incredibly enlightening, freeing, and fun! I consider this healing to also be a form of emotional homeopathy. When people are wanting to change a part of themselves, pushing that part away, disowning it, emotionally beating themselves up about it, I help them to instead own and embrace that part, which along with mind/body energy work allows them to accept themselves more as they are. The effect is that that part no longer clings tenaciously to them, and unconsciously undermines them. What one resists, persists. It is about total self-acceptance. People who work with me may learn how to do some of the Emotrance/EFT work if they do the session with me on a video call. In this process, I am releasing unconscious energetic blocks that people have to whatever it is they are wanting to accomplish but haven’t been able to get past a block. It has been like a brick wall. I do this work especially if someone has a psychological reversal with respect to the condition they consciously want to change, a part that does not want to change, for whatever reasons. If so, then they are unconsciously undermining their own healing process. This would be the case with, for examples, obsessive compulsive behaviors, addictive behaviors, blocks to receiving, etc. And, no matter what they have been attempting to do to change or heal, nothing has been working, whereas working with this is very effective to release the resistance to change. I also easily and quickly help people release perfectionism which is incredibly toxic, rampant all ove the world and passed down generation to generation. Believing that one’s best is not good enough has people driven to succeed and never feeling as if they have, or not even trying because they don’t believe they can.

Effective Emotrance  (opening up and releasing energy blocks)/ EFT work along with my Sound Healing is amazing. When people use affirmations and they just won’t work, you can be assured there is a psychological reversal with respect to that issue. This is especially helpful for PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), phobias, addictions, weight loss issues, intractable pain, problems related to financial stress that seem insoluble, sexual abuse, etc. I determine what issues need this work using intuition, exquisite listening, and kinesiology (muscle testing). I can do this as a surrogate or proxy for the person or animal at a distance.

My Sound Healing work can be incredibly effective and very quick to resolve old issues. I have helped people holding onto rage, guilt, shame, illnesses, intractable pain, and those with a variety of addictions, eating disorders, claustrophobia, fear of public speaking, self-esteem issues, etc. Everything is energy, and since what we resist persists, Sound Healing/Emotional Transformation work helps people to process and release any emotion without it getting stuck in their body, which tends to cause both emotional and physical dis-ease. My healing  work is amazing at helping people to release energetic shields they unconsciously carry, which were previously helpful to them as coping mechanisms, often as armor to deal with feeling too vulnerable, and whose continued presence has become more their prison, preventing them form living their lives more fully and joyfully. Please see Testimonials page for more information.

In my releasing of PTSD: if someone has a traumatic memory that is still vivid in their mind, they can still see it and feel it, I clear that incident for them. I will have the person very briefly see and feel the incident until I can quickly feel it. I will then have the person go in their mind to somewhere pleasant, preferably an outdoor nature scene, while I clear the incident, bring back the person’s soul shards they lost in the incident,and clear all of the PTSD symptoms: fight, flight, fright, shock, freeze and appease. Then I have the person return from their pleasant place and look again at that previously traumatic incident, see if it looks different, feels different in any way. Invariably, it does! Whereas they felt the traumatic feelings at first, it now feels to them as if it were just something that happened. This process takes less than 10 minutes and is incredibly healing, transformative! People are amazed.


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Animal Medicine

If you are contacting me about healing of your animal companions, please see my Animal Healing information here or my page. My Animal Medicine healing  is actually not about healing animals; rather, it is about healing (either people or animals) with the energetic essence of particular animals. For example, ant is about patience, horse about power, rabbit about fear, spider about seeing the web of your creation, snake about shedding your old skin, transformation, etc. Our pains, illnesses, diseases are messages to us. Although one can be cured of a specific disease without learning the message, it may  show up as something else, or in another way, to help us to learn what we need to learn. The Universe is constantly sending us messages. We often just don’t pay attention. (For example, I know that when all my batteries start to fail simultaneously, it is time for me to slow down.) The healing work I do often helps people to see, hear, or just get the message, in order to learn what they need to learn to better heal.

One of my clients was going through a painful relationship issue. I knew that her message was one of bringing herself what she most feared; yet I felt that she needed to get that message in a unique way. While we were on the phone, one of her dogs brought a rabbit into her dining room and dropped it at her feet–something he had never done before. She was astounded. Rabbit speaks to that particular issue about fear and very clearly was the answer she needed. She got the message! Often, when working with someone’s pain that is intractable, when nothing is working, there is a part of themselves that they have been disowning and need to embrace in order to heal. Using visualization and energy healing with animal medicine, and using Sound Healing, Meridian Tapping and EmoTrance healing for emotional freedom, I teach people how to integrate their shadow and to have total self-acceptance–so important for true healing.

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Energetic Flower Essence Bouquets

I work with energetic flower essence bouquets of over 700 individual flower essences which provide healing for all kinds of emotional issues. They often help individuals physically as well. These bouquets are provided timed-release to be with the person or animal in their daily life over time. The essence bouquets sometimes go with a chronological healing for a previous time-frame, or with other healing services I do. I am intuitively led to which essences a person or animal would benefit from at a particular point in time. When I send energetic flower essence bouquets, people often smell lovely aromas during the session and afterwards.My flower essence bouquets work with people over a period of time and are lovely to receive.

At a holistic fair early on where I was doing healing, I informed a woman that she would benefit from a Hibiscus essence bouquet. She smiled, turned around, lifted the back of her blouse, and revealed a large Hibiscus tattoo! When I told another woman she could use Chaparral, she said she had just purchased a new home, model “Chaparral.” When I inform people which essences would be helpful to them, they usually tell me that the information about the essences I choose for them makes perfect sense to them in terms of issues they are dealing with. And, they are often drawn to those flowers. Although these essences are specifically for mental, emotional, spiritual healing, I have often found clients’ physical problems dissolving too.

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Space Clearing

The energetic space clearing I do is nothing short of phenomenal; it’s way beyond smudging, and feng shui principles are often  much more effective after I do this work. Places, and often items, continue to hold the energies of previous people, events, stressers etc. When I energetically clear people’s homes, cars, workplaces, items, my clients are amazed by the way the place feels and looks differently: lighter, better, immediately. Many of them had been smudging their spaces; yet, their spaces felt much better to them, and they felt so much better in them after we had done the clearing work. Many of my clients have reported their body pain and tension lessen, and even their posture changing when I have cleared their homes or workplaces.

Sometimes, we need to clear previous homes and workplaces, or cars that were in accidents, as the person is still tied energetically to those places, even if the cars were totaled, or the homes burned down. One of my clients was able to remain working as a probation and parole agent after I cleared her workplace for her. She had been planning to resign because she would get depressed as soon as she got to work. Some people find they are able to leave places they were stuck in after our space clearing. Many clients who had problems selling their houses have gotten offers shortly after I cleared them.

The space clearing clears out negative thought forms, memories, stressful emotions, negative entities, lost souls, etc. When we are doing space clearing, I often need to energetically clear individual items that have been holding stressful energies, and that is best done together over the phone. I have my clients look or walk around in silence and I will stop them when I know specific rooms, areas and item need to be cleared. The items do not need to be removed, just energetically cleared. Often my clients will know why it needs clearing, and sometimes not. When we do this work over the phone, your immediate response will depend on whether you are more kinesthetic (in touch with your feelings), visual, or auditory. Some people report smelling pleasant aromas when I do the area clearings with them. Most people sense something going on. Your animals certainly do. You’ll find your spaces lighter, brighter, warmer, more pleasant to be in, and the people there, more pleasant too. Please see Space Clearing and Testimonials pages for more information.

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Chronological Healing

I am told intuitively if a person or animal has important blockages related to specific time frames in this lifetime, or if past lifetime healing is needed. I provide Sound and other Energy healing for those specific time frames, working on the issues from and the aura of the person or animal for that time period. People often tell me they know exactly what happened that was stressful during the time frames we are working on. If they don’t remember prior to the work, they often become very aware of those issues when we do the healing or afterwards. Chronological healing by itself is very powerful, and often works in concert with other of my work. Past lifetime healing clears old karmic issues brought into this lifetime, and we can retrieve and cleanse soul shards doing this work as well.

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Water Crystal Healing

Water Crystal Healing is a process that gestated in my healing room for three years and was “birthed” early in 2009. It is derived from Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research on the effects of different thoughts/feelings/places/music, etc. on water. This healing works with the water within one’s body, and thus all of the cells, and over time. There are over 48 different water crystals I use in this healing process, and I intuit which would be helpful at this point in time. It is both very powerful and lovely to receive. People have reported wonderful results for both themselves and their animal companions with this work.

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What people are saying about Susan's healing

"Dearest Susan, After having poor digestion for over 10 years, and trying almost everything to improve my health, I had some improvement but the digestive issues were very difficult to heal and remained poorly not matter what I did. When your digestion is no good, it doesn't matter how much healthy food you eat, or what supplements you take, if you can't absorb them properly, you just feel worn down all the time, other health problems occur and everything goes downhill. After just one EFT/EmoTrance/Sound Healing, session with you, I am actually able to digest food properly again! For the first time in many years, I have this wonderful sensation of feeling better and feeling nourished after eating where usually I would feel dull and tired. I was blown away by how powerful that one session was. All the things I tried before were about as effective as chipping away at a massive rock with a tiny chisel. Then Susan came in with a block of dynamite and just blew the whole rock away. I have heaps more energy, and I wake up in the morning feeling healthy and rested, instead of tired and angry. Everyday I feel better and better. With gratitude, H.P. Australia*"    "

- H.P. Australia